


Up, up the plane will arise,
to fly in the wide, wide sky.

It is the craft that can carry me,
far and away over the seas.

Halfway around the globe I'll go,
so that I may show;

What beautiful love Jesus brings,
Especially to those who have nothing.

To the orphan without hope,
Jesus is the Lifeline,  the Rope;

Thrown out to those dangling over the cliff,
catching them before they slip.

If only they reach out and cling,
accepting Him as, Savior and King.

Up to safety Jesus pulls them,
giving the joy and hope of knowing Him.

Then they soar on eagles wings up high,
lifted miles upon miles into the sky.

Above the dire desolation, desperation of the past,
They rise rejoicing in a hopeful joy that lasts.

Now those who had nothing;
are blessed with their cup full to overflowing;

With an abundance of His love,
raining down like huge drops falling from Ugandan skies above.

Voices raised,
they sing praise.

Keeping time with the beat of their drums,
they use hands to play and then they hum;

To the One who gives "beauty for ashes"
Who loves us to the end with passion.

This is my call,
What God wants me to do above all;

To be deeply involved in telling, sharing the true love story of my God.

So that abandoned, unwanted, orphaned children,
whose past is broken in two;

Realize they can be made brand new.

That they may possess sweet healing hope,
At the end of their rope.

They too can have wings to fly;
Up, up in the wide, wide sky.

Landing straight into the arms of God,
listening to His comforting heartbeat of love.

Knowing one day all pain, sorrow,  death, and crying will be put aside;

They smile a smile as wide as the sky,
It is worth a try.

So that even one might spread their wings and fly!

Written with love (with lots of help from Above) by: Crista Moriah


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful poem girl!

    Prayin' you will get to go back ;)

    Blessings, Alisha


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<3 Moriah